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To get a REAL ID in New Jersey, you'll need: 
  • Proof of identity: Six documents that add up to "six points of ID" 
  • Proof of Social Security number: A Social Security card, pay stub, W-2, or 1099 form 
  • Proof of New Jersey residency: Two documents that establish your address in New Jersey 
Examples of acceptable documents
  • A valid New Jersey driver's license or non-driver ID 
  • A utility bill or credit card bill from the past 90 days 
  • A bank or credit union statement from the past 60 days 
  • An original, unexpired lease or rental agreement 
  • A tax bill, statement, or receipt from the past year 
  • First-class mail from a government agency within the past six months 
Additional requirements 
  • All documents must be original, unlaminated, or certified copies in English
No Appointments Available